The impression is breathtaking. From the windows there is a view of the panorama of the Odra river, the Grunwaldzki Bridge, and the Cathedral Island – said Grzegorz Pac, inventor of the name of the new cable car system. Together with Rector, Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski, they were the first passengers carried by “Polinka”. The cable car system started working on Tuesday at 9:30 AM. During the first runs, the cabins carried e.g. Prof. Daria Lipińska-Nałęcz – Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Rafał Jurkowlaniec – Marshal of the Dolnośląskie Province, Wojciech Adamski – Deputy Mayor of Wrocław, Marek Skorupa – Governor of the Dolnośląskie Province, and Bogdan Tarko – representative of the Doppelmayr company. After arriving at the station located in Na Grobli Street, they held a symbolic toast. Grzegorz Pac, a third-year student of Mechatronics who invented the name of the cable car system, baptized the cabin by breaking a big champagne bottle. - Today the weather is fine so one could see quite a lot. So far, we could not look at the Odra river from above. Now we can – said Bogumiła Zdobylak, an employee of Wrocław University of Technology. - I already envy students that will have classes in Geocentrum. I did not expect that the journey for the classes can be so much fun – said Grzegorz Iskierka, a first-year student of Mechatronics. Rector of the University, Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski, also expressed his satisfaction: - I am glad that we managed to complete this project. The cable car system connected the right and the left bank of the Odra river. Now we have an integral campus with good internal transportation – said Prof. Więckowski. Wojciech Adamski, Deputy Mayor of Wrocław also praised the new transportation system: - It is very important that the cable car combines the transportation function with the value of an urban attraction. I am sure that many passengers will make use of the system. The “Polinka” cable car is the only urban cable transportation system that moves passengers across the river. Each cabin can accommodate 15 passengers, so the system can carry over 350 people an hour. “Polinka” will be functioning every day starting from 7:15 AM. - It will run until the last classes at the University are finished – said Andrzej Charytoniuk from the University Press Office. Małgorzata Jurkiewicz Translation: Dariusz Więcławski