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Our University leads the “Perspektywy” ranking in the technical universities class

10.06.2015 | Aktualizacja: 10.06.2015 13:23

(phot. Krzysztof Mazur)

Wrocław University of Technology and Warsaw University of Technology took jointly first place in the latest “Perspektywy” ranking in the technical universities class. In the general classification, our University took fourth place
The Jagiellonian University in Cracow and University of Warsaw won jointly the overall classification of the 2015 University Ranking. They both scored 100 points. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań took third place (86.6 points), ahead of Wrocław University of Technology and Warsaw University of Technology, which shared the fourth position (82.8 points).
Wrocław University of Technology was the runner-up in the category of innovativeness (behind the AGH University of Technology in Cracow), and took fifth place in the category of prestige among employers. Our University also  reached the Top 10 in the categories of prestige among the academic staff (7th place), research potential (9th) and internationalization (10th).
Our Civil Engineering, Production Engineering, and Environmental Engineering fields of study were considered the best in Poland. Also, our Architecture and Urban Planning, Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering, Chemical and Process Engineering, and Chemical Technology fields of study were classified second best, whereas our Control Engineering and Robotics, Mechatronics, Chemistry, Electronics and Telecommunications, Materials Engineering, Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering fields of study ranked third.
In the technical universities class, Wrocław University of Technology took first place jointly with Warsaw University of Technology.
The “Perspektywy” ranking encompasses academic universities, both public and private, that have authority to confer the PhD degree in at least one discipline, a minimum of 200 full-time students, and some publications record. In order to take part in the ranking, the universities also had to prove they had at least two years of graduates and fill in the provided questionnaires.

lucy, Translation: Dariusz Więcławski