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They have the best ideas for business

25.03.2014 | Aktualizacja: 25.03.2014 08:17

(phot. Fotolia)

The jury of the “Idea for business” competition, organized by the Wrocław Centre for Technology Transfer (WCTT) at Wrocław University of Technology, has announced the results of the 18th edition. The laureates will introduce new technologies and devices onto the market.

The participants of the “Idea for business” competition are students, doctoral students, employees and graduates of universities from Wrocław, Opole, and Zielona Góra. Having completed the phases of trainings, groupwork, and individual consultations, they submit their business plans at WCTT and the competition jury, composed of entrepreneurs, assesses them.

The winner of the 18th edition of the competition is Maciej Lachowicz, a DSc in mechanics and BSc in materials engineering and machine design, as well as an honorary professor at the Materials Engineering School at AGH University of Science and Technology. He is also the author of five patents, three of which have been implemented by the industry. His company “Machinefish - Materials & Technologies” will be concerned with the development of new technologies, materials, and devices basing on the research conducted in the areas of materials engineering, mechanical properties, and nondestructive inspection. The company will also offer repairs of devices, selection of materials, designing of machines and technological processes, as well as its own supervision of technology. E.g. it will help its clients to choose appropriate materials, taking into account relevant norms and standards, to build a prototype of a machine and help to obtain all necessary approvals and certificates, to install or repair an existing device, or to implement or improve the used technology.

Second place in the “Idea for business” competition went to Martin Tabakow. His company IResTech will be focusing on computer systems of support and monitoring of rehabilitation processes and physical activity. It will install intelligent IT systems supporting the management of rehabilitation institutions. “We want to launch intuitive, functional, and easy in use, as well as very useful IT solutions designed for people without IT and analytical qualifications.” – said the competitor.

Third place was taken by Mateusz Zelek, whose company Emerald Air Monitoring will offer a device acting as a measurement centre of such parameters of the air as: temperature, concentration of CO2 and harmful volatile organic substances, concentration of dust and other harmful particulates. Along with the device, the customer will receive a simple mobile app that works on computers, tablets, and smartphones.

Detailed results of the competition can be found here.


Translation: Dariusz Więcławski