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Our students will welcome Spring with a colourful festiwal

21.03.2014 | Aktualizacja: 25.03.2014 08:34

Festival of Colours (phot. Krzysztof Mazur)

Festival of colours, barbecue at Teki dorms, and a huge UV Party in the Students Culture Zone – in this way, Wrocław University of Technology students will welcome Spring on Friday.

“We are starting at 11 o’clock sharp at the C-13 building courtyard. All participants of the festival of colours will receive a bag with a colourful powder and on our sign, they will throw it in the air. When the powder falls down, it will colour the students. We know this is a crazy idea but we want to show that at our university you will never be bored.” – explains Natalia Lewitzka from the Culture Committee of the Wrocław University of Technology Student Government.

At 2 PM, the coloured students will start the barbecue party at the dormitories of the Wittigowo area, and at 9 PM the UV Party will commence in the Students Culture Zone. “At the Teki dormitories, we will eat sausages so that we have energy for the evening party. For the UV party, one should take some old clothes with them. With the use of special paints, we will turn them into outfits that will glow in the dark. We are going to dance till dawn.” – says Lewitzka.

For the barbecue and for the UV Party, a ticket will be needed. You can buy them at mKsero (C-13 building, first floor), for only 7 PLN. On Friday, their price will rise to 10 PLN.

The Spring Day at Wrocław University of Technology is organized by the Culture Committee of the Wrocław University of Technology Student Government.

You can read more on the facebook profile.

Małgorzata Jurkiewicz

Translation: Dariusz Więcławski