On 6th December 2013, in Toronto, Canada, took place an official meeting of the representatives of Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT), Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Ryerson University (RU), Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science. The reason of the meeting was to sign the amending agreement for an international graduate students exchange programme leading to the double degree. Polish University was represented by prof. Waldemar Rebizant, Dean of Faulty of Electrical Engineering and dr Tomasz Sikorski, Vice Dean for Development and International Cooperation. Canadian University was represented by dr Sri Krishnan, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science and dr Lian Zhao, Program Director of Graduate Studies. Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Toronto, Mr. Grzegorz Morawski also took part in the meeting. Prof W. Rebizant and dr T. Sikorski gave a public seminar concerning Wroclaw, Wroclaw University of Technology, as well as scientific and didactic activities of Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Representatives of Ryerson University highlighted research conducted at Ryerson University, achievements and projects realized in cooperation with Centre of Urban Energy. The cooperation between the universities has lasted since 2007 and during the meeting it was prolonged for the period of 5 years. The joint Collaborative Power and Electrical Engineering Graduate Programme is based on the Programmes already existing at WrUT and RU: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Control in Electrical Power Engineering and Master of Engineering in Electrical Power Engineering. Students participating in the double degree programme spend the first year of study at home University and the second at the partner University. Following the successful requirements at both Universities as well as positive defence of Master’s Thesis, the students receive two Master degrees from both Universities. jr