Wrocław University of Technology opens admission to Executive MBA studies, conducted under an agreement with the French École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Paris Tech (ENPC). MBA studies are very demanding but also highly valued by employers. At Wrocław University of Technology they will be conducted by the Faculty of Computer Science and Management, basing on the original study programme designed in France. ENPC offers these studies at its ENPC MBA Paris school, which belongs to an international network of accredited business schools. In Wrocław, the MBA studies will last 4 semesters and the courses will be taught by lecturers from the world’s best business schools, e.g. from France, Great Britain, USA, and Israel. Students will be able to perform three out of the planned 19 sessions at ENPC partner universities in Casablanca, Paris, Brussels or Shanghai. 40 student may take part in this first edition of common MBA studies. Graduates of the programme will receive two diplomas: one certifying the completion of Executive MBA studies at Wrocław University of Technology and the other certifying the completion of MBA programme at ENCP MBA Paris Business School (along with an entry in the register of ENPC Paris Tech graduates). The studies are addressed to senior management staff. It is distinguished from other similar programmes offered in Poland by focusing on technology and innovations. A Polish-French Consultation Board will monitor the quality of education and the course of the studies. It will be composed of members of the academic staff, as well as representatives of the industry and local authorities. Experts will be responsible for updating the study programme and adapting it to the requirements of the job market. Joanna Pająk Translation: Dariusz Więcławski
* École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées exists since 1747. It is one of the 12 schools belonging to the prestigious ParisTech association that gathers the best French technical universities, the so-called “Grand Écoles”. It is famous for high quality of education in the areas of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials engineering.