Who will tell better about the University than its students? This is the assumption made by the University divisions responsible for promotion and admission. They invited students to co-operation. - We want our students to appear in the brochures, websites and other promotion materials – says Beata Janek from the Marketing and Promotion Department at Wrocław University of Technology. Students willing to co-operate may report to the Department until the end of October. - The only requirement is a bit of courage, we have no conditions related to appearance, we are not looking for classical beauties, we just seek interesting people – explains Beata Janek. She adds that so far 20 persons have applied but the list is still open. Everyone is invited to report at room 133 in the A-1 building from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. The Department of Marketing and Promotion offers no remuneration for taking part in the photo session. - We are looking for students for definite work, for telling the pupils of high schools about Wrocław University of Technology in the whole country – says Anetta Stypułkowska, Head of the Admission Department. – We offer the students a mandate agreement with a remuneration of up to 3 000 PLN a month – says Stypułkowska. These must be students that like their University, that are convincing, and that can talk about their scientific passion. Stypułkowska emphasizes that students taking part in the programme will undergo special trainings so that they are prepared to answer all the questions that the pupils may ask. The first training will take place on 30th October 2013 at 11:15 AM in the Integrated Students Centre (C-13 building, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego St. 23-25, ground floor, room 0.12), the next one – on 6th November 2013 at 11:15 AM at the same place. More information is available at the Wrocław University of Technology Admission Department, phone 71 320 27 78 or e-mail marta.zdziech@pwr.wroc.pl.
Iwona Szajner, Translation: Dariusz Więcławski