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Who will obtain the “Wrocław University of Technology Lion” prize?

18.10.2013 | Aktualizacja: 18.10.2013 16:06

(photo: Biuro Promocji PWr)

We want to reward unusual people who get involved in their activities, create unusual things and bring honour to our University – says Prof. Andrzej Wiszniewski, former Rector of Wrocław University of Technology.
Candidate applications for the 3rd edition of the “Wrocław University of Technology Lion” should be submitted until 30th October at Rector’s Administrative Department. Each application should contain a description of the candidate, information about his or her work and achievements, and name and surname of the person submitting the candidature. Every employee of the university may submit a candidature, regardless of the post he or she is holding.
The applications will be assessed by a chapter composed of the current and former Rectors of Wrocław University of Technology (Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski, Prof. Tadeusz Zipser, Prof. Wacław Kasprzak, Prof. Jan Kmita, Prof. Andrzej Wiszniewski and Prof. Andrzej Mulak). - As far as determining the winner we are often unanimous. For example, we were delighted by the impressive bridges designed by Prof. Jan Biliszczuk and the work of Anna Hajdusianek, DSc, who can get even small children interested in physics. Such people are a source of pride for our Alma Mater and we want to reward them – explains Prof. Wiszniewski.
The official award ceremony of the laureates of the 3rd edition of “Wrocław University of Technology Lion” prize will be held on the Wrocław University of Technology Day, i.e. Friday, 15th November.
mj, Translation: Dariusz Więcławski