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Monika Danielewska, PhD, distinguished by the Polish Academy of Sciences

11.12.2014 | Aktualizacja: 11.12.2014 11:11

Monika Danielewska
For her achievements in research on ocular dicrotism, Monika Danielewska, PhD, from Wrocław University of Technology has been distinguished by the Chapter of the “Iuvenes Wratislaviae” Prize. Each year, the prize is awarded by the Wrocław Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)
Monika Danielewska, PhD, from the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, was the first to observe and describe dicrotism in ocular pulse. Her research has shown that dicrotic ocular pulse may be used in the diagnostics of normal tension glaucoma thanks to discovering that electric signals from the heart directly affect ocular pulse. The methodology proposed by Danielewska may be useful in the assessment of age-related changes in ocular circulation and diagnostics of vascular diseases of the eye, such as glaucoma.
For these achievements, Monika Danielewska has been awarded the “Iuvenes Wratislaviae” prize. This year’s session of the Prize Chapter was presided by Prof. Janusz Mroczka, PAN corresponding member and Head of the Chair of Electronic and Photonic Metrology at Wrocław University of Technology.
The announcement of the laureates and award ceremony were held during an open session of the PAN Wrocław Branch Members Meeting.
The “Iuvenes Wratislaviae” prize was established by the President of PAN in 2012. Each year, it is awarded by the Wrocław Branch of PAN. The laureates are chosen from among young researchers (up to 37 years old), employed permanently in scientific institutions in the Dolnośląskie Province that have outstanding achievements in the area of science or art. The aim of the prize is to distinguish young people that contribute not only to the development of science but also to the promotion of Wrocław and the entire region.
In the previous years, the “Iuvenes Wratislaviae” prize was awarded to  Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny from the Academy of Music in Wrocław (2012), and Adam Kiersnowski, PhD, from the Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Chemistry (2013).
Translation: Dariusz Więcławski