On Wednesday, at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska awarded the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Prizes. Among the laureates, there were five scientists from our University. Prof. Krzysztof Abramski and his team (Jarosław Sotor, DSc and Grzegorz Soboń, Dsc) received the prize for outstanding scientific and technological achievements in the area of basic research. The crew from the Faculty of Electronics has been carrying out research on fibre lasers, including lasers emitting so-called ultra-short pulses.
Prof. Janusz Mroczka, also from the Faculty of Electronics, was awarded a prize for his achievements in research and teaching supervision. Prof. Mroczka is the author of the method moment of analysis of sosoloid systems. He is also a winner of 8 patents, 4 out of which have been implemented. He has also supervised a total of 24 doctoral students.
The Minister also rewarded Romuald Tarczewski, DSc, from the Faculty of Architecture. The researcher received a prize for university teachers in the area of organizational achievements. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education Prizes have been awarded since 2013. Candidacies may be submitted by scientific councils, faculty councils or bodies representing other research units, NGOs that have scientific activity included in their statutes, as well as by the President of PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) and the individual PAN committees. Joanna Pająk Translation: Dariusz Więcławski