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Our students distinguished in the “Generation of the Future” programme

30.07.2014 | Aktualizacja: 30.07.2014 12:48

PWR Racing Team’s race car (phot. PWR Racing Team archives)
Three student teams from Wrocław University of Technology were awarded prizes by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as part of the “Generation of the Future” programme. The laureates will receive financial support of up to 400 000 PLN for their projects.
Among the distinguished teams there were:

• the PWR Racing Team for “an innovative solution in the design of a modern race car of the ‘Student Formula’ and participation in international competitions”;

• designers from the Jet Stream scientific circle for “the construction of unmanned planes of Micro and Advance classes and participation in the international student competition ‘SAE Aero Design East’”;
• students from the Wrocław Space and Aviation Group for the FREDE project, i.e. the design and manufacture of scientific and research equipment as part of a competition organized by the European Space Agency (REXUS/BEXU programme).
The Ministry distinguished a total of 26 projects from 13 Polish universities. The best ones, which were represented by as many as three teams, included: Wrocław University of Technology, Łódź University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, and AGH University of Science of Technology in Kraków.
“Generation of the Future” is a Ministry of Science and Higher Education programme of support for outstanding scientists. It is addressed to young inventors, designers, programmers, and innovators researching new effective solutions in medicine and natural sciences, who study at Polish universities and represent Poland in international competitions.
Andrzej Charytoniuk
Translation: Dariusz Więcławski