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Students of two summer schools said goodbye to our University

30.07.2014 | Aktualizacja: 30.07.2014 14:32

(phot. Julia Bohdziewicz)

Two summer schools organized by Wrocław University of Technology have just ended. On 25th July, certificates were handed to students from Ukraine, Russia, and the Parul Institute from India.

The current edition of the "3E+" International Summer School lasted three weeks. 32 students from technical universities in Moscow and Lvov took part in the project. The programme of their stay at Wrocław University of Technology was prepared by employees of the Faculty of Electronics, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering, the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, and the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics.

"Students worked on six projects concerning energy, electricity, electronics, and nanotechnology." - said Paweł Regucki, DSc, from the Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering - "This year it was difficult to choose the best project, as all of them presented a very high standard. After a long debate, we decided to award the prize to the project of an app allowing the user to orientate in a building. The objective was to create a program that will allow a smartphone user to identify his/her position in a building and find a safe way out of the rooms. This project was made from scratch, so we thought they made a great progress, producing an app that allows to determine, basing on the number of steps and body position, in which direction the user is moving. Very good work with a great presentation that we assessed as excellent.”

The young Russians and Ukrainians visited Wrocław, they also went to the Książ castle and the Turów power plant. At the Wrocław University of Technology Department of Polish Language for Foreigners they learned the basics of Polish as well as the most important events in the history of Poland.

Also, the six-week-long visit of students from the Parul Group Institute in India has come to an end. The students from India attended classes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

"At the Faculty of Civil Engineering they had classes in two thematic groups." - said Piotr Berkowski, DSc - "One of them concerned the mechanics of structure and the use of modern IT techniques in construction calculations, and the other - the designing of ferroconcrete and steel structures. They also had a tour of construction sites of new flats in Wrocław where works are supervised by our graduates. There they could observe the particular phases of the construction process and various technologies used. The programme could be a bit too advanced for them (they have finished 6 semesters of studies) but they will surely benefit from it. They could also see the level of education in the area of Civil Engineering at our University. We encouraged them to continue their studies in Wrocław after graduation from their current school. We hope that the summer school will also be organized next year although we are aware that 6 weeks of 6 hours of classes in the Summer period is a great load for the students." - said Piotr Berkowski, DSc.

The students from India, apart from attending the classes, managed to visit many places, not only Wrocław and the Dolnośląskie region, but also Gdańsk, Prague, and Paris.

They also learned the basics of Polish and the Polish history. Prof. Imran Molvi, coordinator of the group from Parul Group of Institutes said: "We would like to thank everyone for the organization of our stay. It is very instructive to learn not only about new technologies but also different teaching methodologies, culture, and language. Our stay in Wrocław was a very important and interesting experience. We hope for continuation of the programme next year."

After the certificates were handed, students of the two summer schools showed presentations summarizing their impressions and memories from Wrocław, and the young Russians and Ukrainians sang the "Hej, sokoły" song in Polish, with a guitar accompaniment.

The Wrocław University of Technology International Office is the organizer of the summer schools.

Krystyna Malkiewicz

Translation: Dariusz Więcławski