During the Summer holidays, each Thursday it’s
possible to visit the Nokia’s Wrocław headquarters and talk to Nokia
specialists while drinking a cup of coffee. You can ask about job offers, working
conditions, and learn about the current activity of the company.
Nokia Coffee
Talks is addressed mainly to people interested in IT and telecommunications
that would like to work for the company in the future. Students and graduates
of Wrocław University of Technology are welcome. Nokia employees invite for
coffee between 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM on 17th, 24th, and 31st July, as well as on
7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th August in the Green Towers B building on Strzegomska
Nokia is a
leading provider of infrastructure and services for mobile telecom operators.
The company has over 2 500 employees in Poland, majority of which work in
its two centres: in Wrocław and Cracow. They are mainly involved in creation
and verification of programs and apps for mobile phone networks.
Translation: Dariusz Więcławski