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Scientists talk about nano- and micromechanics. Conference at our University

10.07.2014 | Aktualizacja: 10.07.2014 09:23

The 4th National Conference on Nano- and Micromechanics at Wrocław University of Technology (phot. Katarzyna Górowicz-Maćkiewicz)

130 participants from 8 countries, 11 speakers, 10 thematic sessions, 34 planned discussions, 55 scientific posters, and 3 days of talks and meetings - the 4th National Conference of Nano- and Micromechanics is being held at Wrocław University of Technology.

"I am very happy that despite the sweltering heat outside, you decided to be here and take part in the event that is so important for the development of science." – welcomed the guests Zbigniew Sroka, PhD, DSc, Wrocław University of Technology Vice-Rector for Student Affairs. Researchers e.g. from Dresden, Liverpool, Bern, Ilmenau, Warsaw, and Wrocław will talk about the latest achievements and research in nano- and microscale. The subject of the conference encompasses a wide range of areas in which nanostructures are applied, such as technology, electronics, biology, biotechnology, and microbiology.

"I expect that our meeting will result not only in valuable discussions and exchange of experiences but also real research cooperation in the future." - said Prof. Teodor Gotszalk, Head of the Organizing Committee, and employee of the Division of Micro- and Nanostructures Metrology at the Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics.

At the first out of the 4 sessions planned for Tuesday, a speech was delivered by Ling Hao, DSc, from the NPL Institute of Metrology in Teddington, UK. She talked,e.g. about a new type of mechanical microresonators, basing on graphene structures, as well as advanced technologies of graphene production. Prof. Ehrenfried Zschech from the Fraunhofer Institute in Dresden talked about the challenges faced by microelectronic technologies in the context of 3D integration. He also presented new materials and technologies, such as TSV (through-silicon via) or 3D IC (3D integrated circuit).

The remaining lectures pertained to e.g. to the use of “lab-on-a-chip” microcircuits, MEOMS circuits (Micro Electro-Optical-Mechanical System) or research methods employing micro- and nanostructures.

The conference will last until Thursday. A detailed agenda is available here.


Translation: Dariusz Więcławski

The 4th National Conference on Nano- and Micromechanics, 8th-10th July, Wrocław University of Technology (C-13 building). Organizers: the Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics and the Committee of Mechanics of PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences). The official language of the conference is English.