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Competition for scientific experiments in the outer space

07.07.2014 | Aktualizacja: 07.07.2014 13:21

(phot. Fotolia)

Each year, two rockets and two balloons are released into the outer space as part of the REXUS/BEXUS project. On board, it is possible to carry out ca. 20 experiments. A competition for students for the proposals of the experiments has been launched.

Applications for the competition can be sent by student teams from 29 member countries of the European Space Agency (ESA) or associate countries. The deadline is 13th October 2014.

Members of the teams should be between 18 and 32 years old and be full-time students or doctoral students of fields related to the subject of the programme.

As the Nauka w Polsce portal informs, the organizers will choose the 15 best proposals and their authors will be invited for workshops that will be held at the beginning of December. An expert panel will pick a maximum of 10 teams that will join 10 teams from Germany that will win a separate competition in that country.


Translation: Dariusz Więcławski