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What do specialists in micro- and nanomechanics work on?

02.07.2014 | Aktualizacja: 03.07.2014 14:26

​Prof. Teodor Gotszalk, Head of the Organizing Committee of the 4th National Conference of Nano- and Micromechanics (phot. Bartek Sadowski)

Nano- and micro- in electronics, biotechnology, and microbiology. On 8th July a conference with participants from Poland, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Denmark, and Austria will be held at Wrocław University of Technology.

“The scope of the meeting, organized by Wrocław University of Technology, reaches far beyond the borders of our country. “ – says Prof. Teodor Gotszalk, Head of the Organizing Committee of the 4th National Conference of Nano- and Micromechanics, an employee of Wrocław University of Technology – “We will talk about projects carried out in research centres in various parts of the world. We invited many experts in the field of nano- and micromechanics, e.g. Prof. Ivo Rangelow from Technical University in Ilmenau, Prof. Volfango Bertola from University of Liverpool, Prof. Ehrenfried Zschech from Fraunhofer Institute in Dresden, Ling Hao, DSc, from the NPL Metrology Institute in Teddington, UK, or Prof. Justyna Czerwińska from the University of Bern, Switzerland.

Wrocław University of Technology will be a meeting point for researchers concerned with nanostructures but in various areas of science. “Not only technology or electronics, but also biology, biotechnology or microbiology.” – says Prof. Gotszalk – “At such occasions, ideas of new projects emerge. At the meeting point of various scientific disciplines, there is a chance to develop something new.”

Among the invited guests there are also: Prof. Heinz Sturm from the BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Prof. Piotr Grabiec from the Institute of Electron Technology in Warsaw, Prof. Robert Hołyst from the Institute of Physical Chemistry at PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Prof. Małgorzata Lekka from the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics at PAN, Michał Jóźwik, DSc, from Warsaw University of Technology, and Piotr Korczyk, DSc, from the Institute of Fundamental Problems of Technology at PAN.

“We will present the research results of a few of our projects, e.g. NANOHEAT and VESTIC.” – says Piotr Grabiec, DSc, from the Institute of Electron Technology in Warsaw – “Many of the topics included in the conference agenda are developed by researchers from our Institute. The conference is a great opportunity for us to exchange experiences and discuss future projects.”

The 4th National Conference of Nano- and Micromechanics will start on 8th July at 9:00 AM and will last until 10th July. The sessions will be held at the Wrocław University of Technology  Integrated Students Centre. The PAN Committee of Mechanics is a co-organizer of the event. The official language of the conference is English. More info on the conference here.


Translation: Dariusz Więcławski