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Siemens and Wrocław University of Technology distinguished Prof. Andrzej Wiszniewski

30.06.2014 | Aktualizacja: 02.07.2014 08:45

Prof. Andrzej Wiszniewski (phot. Katarzyna Górowicz-Maćkiewicz)

Prof. Andrzej Wiszniewski, former rector of Wrocław University of Technology and Minister of Science, was awarded this year’s Siemens Research Prize for his lifetime achievements.

The Siemens Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the country. It was established as a result of an agreement between Wrocław University of Technology and Siemens in May 1995. The amount of the Research Prize (for outstanding research results eligible for practical application) is 40 000 PLN, and of the Promotion Prize (for outstanding doctoral and doctor habilitatus dissertations) is 30 000 PLN.

The Jury of the 19th edition of the competition for Siemens Prize chose three laureates. The Research Prize was awarded to Prof. Andrzej Wiszniewski for his lifetime research achievements. The Promotion Prize was awarded to two persons: Aleksandra Borsukiewicz-Gozdur, PhD, DSc, from West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin for her doctor habilitatus dissertation “Improvement of the efficiency of steam-electric power station powered with low- and medium-temperature energy sources”, and to Mariusz Rafał Susik, DSc, from the Łódź University of Technology for his doctoral dissertation “Geometrical optimization of the cooling water pump intake chamber using numerical analysis of 3D flows”.

The award ceremony took place on 30th June in the Warsaw University of Technology Small Aula.


Translation: Dariusz Więcławski