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Scientists, businessmen, and EU experts talk about European economy. International conference at Wrocław University of Technology

13.06.2014 | Aktualizacja: 13.06.2014 14:00

Prof. Jerzy Buzek is the Head of the European Technology Congress Steering Committee (phot. from organizer’s resources)

The reindustrialization of Europe is the main topic of the conference organized at Wrocław University of Technology, which gathered EU experts, representatives of the industry, politics, and science. The European Technology Congress opened on 12th June.

“This meeting has enormous importance not only for the University, as the host of the Congress, but for the entire Europe.” – says Prof. Eugeniusz Rusiński, the Wrocław University of Technology Vice-Rector for Research – “We are witnessing an industrial revolution. Most of the manufacturing activity has moved to China and other countries, in which production costs are much lower. EU has realized that this is not the right direction for the European economy. We need to think how to lower production costs with the use of renewable energy and modern, innovative technologies. This applies both to small and medium businesses, which account for 75% of the Polish GDP, and to large, international corporations. They will have to adapt to new conditions. EU has earmarked huge funds for this project.”

Over 500 people confirmed their participation in the Congress, including 40 prominent experts representing the European Commission and related institutions, as well as high-tech companies and R&D centres. The list of guests includes: Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, as well as the Commission’s directors-general for entrepreneurship and industry, and for research and innovation. The Programme Committee is headed by Prof. Gabriel Crean, Vice-President of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, and President of the EC’s High Level Group on Key Enabling Technologies. The Steering Committee is headed by Prof. Jerzy Buzek, former Prime Minister of Poland and President of the European Parliament.

Prof. Eugeniusz Rusiński said: “Wrocław University of Technology has significantly contributed to the reindustrialization of Poland. We are the leading university as to the number of patent applications submitted. We have great researchers open for cooperation with the industry. EU plans to support research projects carried out by industrial entities. Companies often do not have the necessary research equipment, so collaboration with universities turns out to be necessary. This is what we are going to talk about during the Congress.”

The European Technology Congress will last two days. The sessions will be held in the Wrocław University of Technology Main Building (Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego St. 27). The event starts at 2 PM. The official language of the Congress is English but a simultaneous translation into Polish will also be available. The event is organized by the National Centre for Research and Development, and the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology, in cooperation with the European Commission and the Polish Ministry of Economy. The detailed agenda is available here.

Iwona Szajner

Translation: Dariusz Więcławski