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The P.I.W.O light show will commemorate the 25th anniversary of freedom

04.06.2014 | Aktualizacja: 04.06.2014 14:53

On 4th June, the C-7 building will turn into a huge display (phot. Lucyna Róg)

On Wednesday, 4th June, at 9 PM sharp, the Wrocław University of Technology C-7 building will turn into a huge display. The light show will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the first free elections in Poland.

“We will display scenes calling upon the times of the People’s Republic of Poland, the introduction of martial law in 1981, election of Karol Wojtyła for the Pope, Lech Wałęsa, the period of elections and the awaited freedom.” – says Paweł Pelikan from the MOS Scientific Circle.

The P.I.W.O. project (for Potężny Indeksowany Wyświetlacz Oknowy, or B.E.E.R. for Big Electronic Entertainment Renderer) is an idea developed by a group students from the MOS (Microsystems Oriented Society) Scientific Circle, functioning at the Wrocław University of Technology Chair of Electronic and Photonic Metrology. The idea underlying the project consists in turning buildings into huge displays. Each window becomes a colourful “pixel”. All the windows are controlled by a computer which allows displaying animations accompanied by sound.

A similar technology will be employed on 4th June. “The C-7 building at Grunwaldzki Sq. 11, which is the seat of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, has a very interesting body. Therefore, we can expect an unusual event. For the needs of the project, we changed the displaying system a bit. Additionally, for the time of the show, the Polish flag will be displayed on the link bridge between the D-1 and D-20 buildings.” – announces Paweł Pelikan.

The presentation is being prepared by the MOS Scientific Circle, the Humanization of Urban Environment Scientific Circle, and the “Bajer” Students Club.


Translation: Dariusz Więcławski