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Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are visiting Chemnitz

16.05.2014 | Aktualizacja: 16.05.2014 07:53

Students of the Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Museum of Industry in Chemnitz (phot. Tadeusz Lewandowski)

Since Monday, 30 students of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Building have been visiting the Technical University of Chemnitz. During the 5 coming days they will visit e.g. local companies and take part in the International Fair of Textiles and Lightweight Structures.

The students participate in the “Mechanical Engineering and Machine Building – studies with future at Wrocław University of Technology” project, carried out within the 4th Priority (“Higher Education”) of the Human Capital Operating Programme. As part of it, they gain the chance for specialist courses, student stays, and study visits, like the one in Chemnitz.

“They have already visited the Museum of Industry in Chemnitz. Now they become acquainted with companies and R&D institutes that form the MERGE (Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures) industrial cluster that focuses on the manufacturing and use of lightweight materials and textiles in industry. They will visit, e.g. the MERGE Technology Centre, and companies: Steinbeis GmbH & Co; Cetex (ITC); Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI) and the Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik (Fraunhofer IWU).” – says Natalia Banach from the project office. She also adds that a visit at Technical University of Chemnitz is an opportunity to learn how, in German conditions, studying can be effectively accompanied by carrying out interesting research.

Additionally, during the International Fair of Textiles and Lightweight Structures, they will have the chance to talk with representatives of 300 companies and institutes that will be presenting the latest developments in the textile industry and composites for the automotive, shipbuilding, and aviation industry.

The visit in Chemnitz will last until Friday, 16th May.

Małgorzata Jurkiewicz
Translation: Dariusz Więcławski