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India in photographs by a University lecturer

31.10.2013 | Aktualizacja: 31.10.2013 11:08

(photo: Radosław Wróbel)

“Colourful India” – the title of this small picture story is deceitful. Its second part should be “But mainly in photographs.” – says Radosław Wróbel, an adjunct lecturer at the Wrocław University of Technology Institute of Machine Design and Operation. He visited India in September.

“This is a country where people live on the central reservation separating the carriageways of a motorway. A country of people dying of famine and a country of 22 ‘official’ languages. A country where the streets are everyday crowded with people like the Wrocław Market Square during the New Year’s Eve concert and where a fight between a policeman and a rickshaw driver doesn’t surprise anyone.” – relates Radosław Wróbel.

He says about himself: “Photographer after hours, specializing in disquieting photos”. And he adds: “Ugliness, like disquiet, is always interesting.”

See the photos he brought from India [PHOTOS]