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Certificates for our students

08.04.2015 | Aktualizacja: 08.04.2015 12:12

Students received certificates from Prof. Alfred Forchel (Würzburg University). By his side Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski, Rector of WUT and Prof. Jan Misiewicz (phot. Krzysztof Mazur)

Over 20 students from the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology and the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics received on Thursday certificates confirming their participation in the series of lectures entitled “Selected Topics in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience”
Prof. Tadeusz Więckowski, Rector of Wrocław University of Technology, was the host of the ceremony that took place in the Seante Room, while Prof. Alfred Forchel from the Würzburg University was the special guest.
Our students have attended lectures delivered by scientists from the Würzburg University for two months. “We also had a German language course.” - says Piotr Ruszała, a third-year student of the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology - “And the certificate should help us in our work at the scientific centre specializing in nanotechnology that will be established at our University in the future.” - explains Michał Anioł Szczęśniak, also a third-year student of the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology.
The ceremony was also attended by Prof. Jan Misiewicz, who co-operates with the Würzburg University, Prof. Marian Hotloś, Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, and Prof. Andrzej Dziedzic, Dean of the Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and Photonics.
Translation: Dariusz Więcławski