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Robots on arena. On Saturday, they will take part in a great test

04.12.2014 | Aktualizacja: 04.12.2014 15:17

(phot. Krzysztof Mazur)

They will fight their opponents, try to find the way out of a labyrinth, and test their speed. On Saturday, robots designed by students, senior high school pupils, and younger pupils will take part in the ”Robotic Arena” competition. It’s one of the most popular events organized at our University.
Each year the “Robotic Arena” attracts about 1 000 visitors who come to observe the fights and challenges in which the robots participate. Robot designers from the entire country, as well as abroad, come for the competition.
On Saturday, over 110 robots will take part in the rivalry. They will compete in seven disciplines: Minisumo Enhanced, Microsumo Enhanced, Nanosumo, Line Follower Turbo, Line Follower Light, Micromouse, and WABCO Freestyle.
“We are also preparing a surprise discipline. I can only say that it includes a show of the robots.” – says Adrian Gałęziowski, President of the “KoNaR” scientific circle functioning at the Wrocław University of Technology Faculty of Electronics, which is the organizer of the event.
This year’s edition will be held in an unusual setting. A special interior decor with references to robotics is being designed by a student of Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. The competition will be held on Saturday at the Library of Science and Engineering for the needs of Innovative Economy (Bibliotech, D-21 building at Grunwaldzki Sq. 11a). The event will start at 10:30 AM and the finals of the individual disciplines will start about 2:00 PM. Admittance is free.
Translation: Dariusz Więcławski